Class Plans
Choose a Plan
L - Longevity
The aim is to help you live longer. Helping fight chronic disease, illness, pain and weakness.

I - Independence
Building strength and capacity to be able to live and function independently.

F - Functionality
Functionality ties together this program. We want you to be able to function in life. The ability to thrive rather than survive.

E - Efficiency
Working for longevity, independence, functionality will help us create movement and life efficiency and technique that will create an overall freedom.

55+ class

Health, wellbeing, independence in an aging population.
Limit: Unlimited
Programs: L.I.F.E.
LocationsCrossFit Western Front
From A$30.00
Casual Week
Limit: Unlimited
Programs: CrossFit
LocationsCrossFit Western Front
3 Sessions Per Week - TEENS

Our Teens class is held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 3:40pm. It is for ages 11-17. This class introduces kids to the correct foundation movements and will begin teaching some different lifts, starting with a PVC bar and moving up in weight slowly based on how well they perform the movement. We have several different levels of athlete in the teens class and we will scale their workouts accordingly to help teach them the proper movement and also prevent injury.

Our goal for kids and teens is not to create the best CrossFit athlete. We want to use CrossFit to help get (or keep) the kids/teens conditioned to help them excel at the other activities they might participate in through recreational, travel teams or school. We encourage our kids and teens to try new things and have fun!
Limit: 3 classes per Week
Programs: CFWF Teens
LocationsCrossFit Western Front
From A$45.00
2 Sessions Per Week - TEENS 

Our Teens class is held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 3:40pm. It is for ages 11-17. This class introduces kids to the correct foundation movements and will begin teaching some different lifts, starting with a PVC bar and moving up in weight slowly based on how well they perform the movement. We have several different levels of athlete in the teens class and we will scale their workouts accordingly to help teach them the proper movement and also prevent injury.

Our goal for kids and teens is not to create the best CrossFit athlete. We want to use CrossFit to help get (or keep) the kids/teens conditioned to help them excel at the other activities they might participate in through recreational, travel teams or school. We encourage our kids and teens to try new things and have fun!
Limit: 2 classes per Week
Programs: CFWF Teens
LocationsCrossFit Western Front
From A$36.00
1 Session per week - TEENS / KIDS

The Kids class is held on Tuesday at 3:40pm. It is for ages 5-12. This class will introduce kids to some of the foundation movements of CrossFit in a fun environment. They will not only learn some of the movements like squats, presses, and burpees, they will also learn a little about nutrition and other things. In this class they will use little to no weight. The weight they would use as they progress would be light medicine balls, light kettlebells or dumbbells. This is only used when the child has shown that they can do the movement properly. For ages 9-13 we will introduces kids  to the correct foundation movements and will begin teaching some different lifts, starting with a PVC bar and moving up in weight slowly using light barbells, dumbbells, medballs, etc. based on how well they perform the movement.

Our Teens class is held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 3:40pm. It is for ages 11-17. This class introduces kids to the correct foundation movements and will begin teaching some different lifts, starting with a PVC bar and moving up in weight slowly based on how well they perform the movement. We have several different levels of athlete in the teens class and we will scale their workouts accordingly to help teach them the proper movement and also prevent injury.

Our goal for kids and teens is not to create the best CrossFit athlete. We want to use CrossFit to help get (or keep) the kids/teens conditioned to help them excel at the other activities they might participate in through recreational, travel teams or school. We encourage our kids and teens to try new things and have fun!
Limit: 1 class per Week
Programs: CFWF KIDS, CFWF Teens
LocationsCrossFit Western Front
From A$12.00